I'm Peter Saathoff-Harshfield. This is my web site.
I currently work as an accessibility analyst at Google. In that role, I help ensure software interfaces are useable by disabled people.
I have low vision. Specifically, I have no central vision, meaning I can't read most text, can't see small or far away things, and have difficulty recognizing faces. I'm proud of being disabled, and strive for a world in which disabled people are fully included in society. I want to help us move toward that goal.
I grew up in and currently live in the Bay Area. I rely on public transportation, walking, and biking to get around. I believe great public transportation is vital because of its accessibility for disabled people, our need to reduce carbon emissions, and its importance in development patterns. Car reliance and suburban development is not conducive to disabled access or environmental or financial sustainability. I hope to contribute to solutions to these issues.